Stress in Early Childhood
No doubt so many people have expressed a desire to go back in their childhoods — a less burdened time when we didn’t have to work to do, pay the bills or perform all other responsibilities of being a full-fledged adult.
But we forget that childhood can be stressful. In fact, kids often suffer in silence, according to pediatrician kids struggle with moderate to extreme levels of stress. They may be pressured or in tension about everything from their academic performance to their peer relationships to their family’s finances. And that stress will have an enormous result on youngsters.
The best way to analysis if your child is stressed is by asking them directly.
Also, concentrate on their activities or any changes in your child. In parenting your stressed child, stress may be subtle. For instance, a child who used to sleep fully may now wake up in the middle of the night. In fact, decreased in academic performance is another common sign of being stressed.
In general, kids may show physical, emotional or behavioral changes in stress, some of the common ones include:
Chest pain
Rapid heartbeat
Social isolation
Withdrawal from
usual activities
Mood swings
Due to the busy schedule of parents also play an important role having changes in their children and lead them towards the loneliness and stressed stage.
How Parents Can Help
· Healthy Living
· Healthy Thinking
· Fun, relaxation and time for friends
· Support at home
· Support from the school
· Resist overscheduling
· Make family dinners a habit
· Get outside
· Get a pet
· Limit screen time
· Get up and move
Always Remember, Stress is real. Stress is distracting. Stress is...stressful. Take note of your child’s stress levels as they fluctuate throughout the day. The more aware you are of how they are feeling, the more you can keep your anxieties from attaching themselves to your parenting. This is diligent work, this thoughtfulness, and enthusiastic control. Over the long haul, however, it merits the speculation.
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